Committee and Key Role

Welcome to your Committee and key club members. These are the people voted by the Club’s members each year at the Annual General Meeting to run the Club. Feel free to get in touch with any of them on any matter.

The club is committed to developing a diverse and inclusive committee who can provide a wide range of expertise to drive the club forward. If you feel you can offer the club some time and expertise in a certain area to support the development of the club please get in touch with a member of the committee below.

The committee aim to meet once every 2 months, if you would like something raised to the committee please get in touch with your Head of Section and/or section Club Captain who can ensure this is raised with the committee.

The club is actively asking members to consider taking up the role of Club Secretary. If you think you can spare some time to support the smooth running of all administrative aspects of the Club, please get in touch with one of the above Committee members

The clubs junior section is supported by its own committee chaired by Robbie Shaw. Please click below to see the key contacts for the Junior section of TVHC.

Our Partners

Somerset Larder
Young Ones
Somerset Larder
Young Ones
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